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《簡單。直覺。彈性。專業》SHOPLINE 助你極速開好店!

全球超過 35 萬用戶肯定!SHOPLINE 協助品牌開啟 DTC 網路生意,提供線上、線下及社群購物的整合服務,讓品牌同時佈局多元的銷售管道,開啟全通路商機!

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《簡單。直覺。彈性。專業》SHOPLINE 助你極速開好店!

全球超過 35 萬用戶肯定!SHOPLINE 協助品牌開啟 DTC 網路生意,提供線上、線下及社群購物的整合服務,讓品牌同時佈局多元的銷售管道,開啟全通路商機!

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Live Classy

Here you don't only find the products but also an infusion of a sense of lifestyle.

Our spirit is not only to introduce products to you, but also to incorporate a sense of ritual into your life.



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🐇 Rabbit Year Promotion Q&A

When is the promotion?

Is it applicable to all products?

How long is the shipping?

E-Commerce Library

Let Your Customers Buy More and Extend Customer Lifetime Value With Subscription-based business

Do you remember back in the days when newspapers and milk delivery were still common in every household? Like a Newspaper subscription, which was paid monthly in advance with recurring payments, and guaranteed to deliver to your door-step on a certain period of time. 

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6 SHOPLINE Marketing Tools to Boost Your e-Commerce Sales!

The objective of marketing is to raise awareness and encourage purchases. Every once in awhile brands would offer seasonal sales and huge discounts to attract customers and to grow sales revenue. With more people went online to get the best deal on brands’ websites, online sales are growing tremendously year by year. Do you also want to ride on this wave and boost your sales in the holiday seasons? In this article, we’ll introduce you 6 tips that you can do easily with SHOPLINE to improve sales.

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利用部落格進行內容行銷已漸漸成為電商的一大趨勢,根據 Demand Metric 數據顯示,內容行銷的觸及率是傳統行銷手法的三倍。當商店已經成長到一個穩定的階段,需要作更多的增長以及拓展業務時,部落格是一個很好管道去與顧客甚至潛在顧客進行更多的接觸。對於一些新手店家來說,部落格亦能為品牌電商帶來長時間的行銷以及品牌形象的塑造,無論是在拓展銷售,抑或是品牌形象塑造,部落格以至內容行銷都是一個好幫手。有見及此, SHOPLINE 在稍早之前已正式推出電商行銷的最新功能,為店主帶來部落格的功能,讓大家在進行行銷時多一個新的選擇。

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你的品牌留得住客人嗎?關於「顧客留存」你必須知道的 4 項指標!


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SHOPLINE 商店部落格教學全攻略,一起優化你部落格文章吧!

本文主要會提供文章的架構排版教學,以及一些 SEO 撰文技巧參考,其中會包含部分簡單的 HTML 教學,各位可以將其參考使用在 SHOPLINE 部落格上,讓整篇文章更符合 Google 搜尋引擎的喜好。 這裡不會教學如何使用 CSS 語法來調整部落格,所以並不會影響整個網站的前台設計,僅會提供簡易的 HTML 教學應用在部落格優化上,所分享的語法調整也「僅供參考」,若有相關問題歡迎於文章下方留言,編輯會盡快回答你唷!

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Let Your Customers Buy More and Extend Customer Lifetime Value With Subscription-based business

Do you remember back in the days when newspapers and milk delivery were still common in every household? Like a Newspaper subscription, which was paid monthly in advance with recurring payments, and guaranteed to deliver to your door-step on a certain period of time. 

6 SHOPLINE Marketing Tools to Boost Your e-Commerce Sales!

The objective of marketing is to raise awareness and encourage purchases. Every once in awhile brands would offer seasonal sales and huge discounts to attract customers and to grow sales revenue. With more people went online to get the best deal on brands’ websites, online sales are growing tremendously year by year. Do you also want to ride on this wave and boost your sales in the holiday seasons? In this article, we’ll introduce you 6 tips that you can do easily with SHOPLINE to improve sales.


利用部落格進行內容行銷已漸漸成為電商的一大趨勢,根據 Demand Metric 數據顯示,內容行銷的觸及率是傳統行銷手法的三倍。當商店已經成長到一個穩定的階段,需要作更多的增長以及拓展業務時,部落格是一個很好管道去與顧客甚至潛在顧客進行更多的接觸。對於一些新手店家來說,部落格亦能為品牌電商帶來長時間的行銷以及品牌形象的塑造,無論是在拓展銷售,抑或是品牌形象塑造,部落格以至內容行銷都是一個好幫手。有見及此, SHOPLINE 在稍早之前已正式推出電商行銷的最新功能,為店主帶來部落格的功能,讓大家在進行行銷時多一個新的選擇。

你的品牌留得住客人嗎?關於「顧客留存」你必須知道的 4 項指標!


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